Singer, Actor, Musician
“Jennie Malone arrives on stage in nearly every scene with a different instrument. Her melodic voice blends beautifully.” – Rock River Times, IL
“Ms. Malone brings bite to her performance and makes it clear who’s holding the leash and who’s wearing the collar." – Culpeper Star-Exponent, VA
“Malone’s voice is that of the finest in her profession.” – Rock River Times, IL
“...Laurey, played by Jennie Malone, whose effortless singing captivated the audience from the moment she first appears on stage until the final curtain falls.” - Wytheville Enterprise, VA
“Jennie Malone's convincing desperation to join her husband's band despite her character Audrey's inability to sing is both humorous and realistic." - NVDaily.com, VA

ABOUT Jennie
Jennie is an actor/singer/dancer/multi-instrumentalist whose goal is to bring joy to audiences by sharing her passion for performing. She's a cooperative, flexible, extremely hard-working artist with a can-do attitude who seeks to spark joy in every performance.
Quick stats on Jennie:
Cincinnati-raised, Florida-dreaming
travel addict
vegetarian food seeker
gym rat and race enthusiast
bird and nature lover
crazy cat mama
cookie monster
beach seeker and wave splasher
wildlife photographer
jewelry creator
voracious reader and crossword puzzle aficionado
Her near life-long love of performance, plus a deep desire to travel, have led to a multifaceted career that includes time on stage, on film, and in the pit. She's performed in nearly every US state, Japan, Canada, and the Caribbean.
Commercial and Film
Performance Photos